As of September 2017, Ohio is no longer participating in the Alliance for Uniform Hazmat Transportation Procedures. Carriers previously based in Ohio that still operate in participating Alliance states must choose a new base state according to the process contained in the application.
Benefits of the program include:

Safety Fitness
States perform a background safety review of motor carrier safety records and compliance history

Fee calculations and application forms are uniform

Carriers may receive credentials in one state and be permitted for commerce in all participating states
The Alliance for Uniform Hazmat Transportation Procedures is a group of four states — Michigan, Nevada, Oklahoma and West Virginia — that register and permit carriers and shippers of hazardous materials in a uniform manner, utilizing the same application forms and fee assessment calculations.
The key policy objective of the Uniform Program for regulating hazardous materials transportation is the protection of public health and safety. The Uniform Program is designed to promote safety through increased compliance with a single set of registration and permitting requirements versus the existing myriad of state programs.